How do I update my bank information?

If you would like to connect a new bank account to your Wunder account, you can do so at any time by following these simple steps:


Step 1: Connect a New Bank Account

1. Log into your Wunder account

2. Navigate to your Account Settings

3. Select your Investor (which will likely be displayed as your name, halfway down the webpage)




4. Click on the “Banking” tab




5. Select “Connect New Bank Account” to add your new bank account. You can learn about what information we will need to collect to connect a new bank account here.  


Step 2: Associate your New Bank Account with an Existing Investment

Once you have connected a new bank account and confirmed your ownership of it, you will need to associate it with your investment so that returns are deposited into the new account. To do so, follow these simple steps:

  1. Log into your Wunder account
  2. Navigate to your Portfolio
  3. Click on the investment
  4. Move to the Investment’s “Banking” tab
  5. Select the newly connected bank account that you would like to have your returns deposited into going forward.
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