Learn about how solar works, the benefits of investing with Wunder, and how to manage your account.
About Wunder
Wunder Solar Investments
Are there any funds available to invest in?
Why is there a difference between my actualized return and the Fund's target return?
What is a "Principal Adjustment?"
Is my investment liquid?
Are Returns Guaranteed?
What if the Fund underperforms?
What if a loan customer defaults?
What happens to my investment if Wunder shuts down?
Are there any funds available to invest in?
The Investment Process
Managing your Account
How do I connect a bank account?
How do we transfer money?
How do I update my bank information?
How do I get paper copies of my statements?
When do distributions start?
I'm not seeing my deposit
What do I do if my account has been compromised?
How secure is my information?
How do I update my profile?
Can I designate a beneficiary?
How do I reset my password?
How do I close my account?
How to change the email address on your account
How to change your password
How to enable multi-factor authentication
How to change your mailing address on file
How do I connect a bank account?
Still Have Questions?
Our dedicated Wunder representatives will be happy to help you.